quarta-feira, setembro 27, 2006

Outra para ti, supostamente, a última...

Como é que pude pensar que iria ser diversão sem pensar em mais nada?
How stupid can i be?
I’m tired of pretending to be someone i’m not, someone polite, a gentle and kind person. Fuck, fuck, fuck…In fact, i guess i’ll say something like “ Fuck it all, let’s get drunk, I’m really sad about what you told me, about that love of yours. I thought I could deal with it because it used to be an healthy kind of feeling. But it just came to me now, i don’t want to think about you because that feeling you show me is really hurting me. I can handdle the fact that you don't feel the same way but if i have to see you together...i don't think i can take it... I don’t want it anymore, get away, please. Why do i have to go through this?

(Acho que vou embebedar-me de propósito)

Desculpa o inglês, era para ficares à toa…porque, no fundo, nunca te direi estas palavras...

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